
Credentials and information


I have worked in the cloud industry for several years, involving 2 separate company aquisitions and the launch of countless products. After having worked alongside industry leading companies within the cloud space I launched a consulting business to focus my efforts on small to medium business. Contact me today to see how the inovations within the cloud industry can help you revolutionize your business!

Why bother with the cloud? My company already works!

Long ago many years past, I heard a line that has stuck with me to this day:

“These days, every company is a tech company”

What was true then, is even more true now. Technology in all of it’s shapes and forms has transformed the world we live in today more than in any other point in history. It is why we are called the “Information age”. There exists, for every company large and small, a tool to make their business more efficient, and easier to run.

To be sure, there exists a lot of unnecessary bells and whistles within the cloud industry that your business does not need. The challenge is to sieve out what can actually be useful for your business.

This is what my service is, to know with a trained eye what can actually be helpful to your business. And to help create for you a customized solution tailored to your specific needs.

Past experiences

Global rollout of 20+ PB of NVME block storage

In the summer of 2021 I along with a small team of engineers at Linode (recently aquired by Akamai) began working on a project to transfer our enourmous block storage capacity onto newer, faster hardware. All told, the size of the transfered data amounted to over 20+ petabytes of data. Which is to say nearly the entire size of the Library of Congress (which is 22 PB as of 2022)

To put that into context, if one were to use the fastest internet option available from most providers (1 gigabit) it would take just over 5 years of constant transfer at the highest speed to move all of that data. Factor into that failure recovery and safety mechanisms to ensure no data is lost, and the figure rises even higher.

Our team focused on creating a robust and failure redundant mechanism to ensure that customer data was transfered over as safely as possible. Then we went about duplicating it so that we could effectively quadruple our throughput for data. In the end, we were able to successfully migrate over all of the data in under 2 months without a single piece of lost data.